Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vroom! Vroom!

"Oh, so THAT'S why guys like motorcycles!"

We don't have much of a summer left here in good ole Cache Valley. Yesterday I was working at Crumb Brothers, and we were super busy -- I can't even think of a good way to describe the insane busyness! Well, the weather was just absolutely gorgeous. I hadn't taken much notice of it, however, until my sweetheart (Joel) came walking through the door in his motorbiking gear. He'd driven down to see me and to get a treat, and as I looked at him and looked around at how much work I had to do, my heart was torn. Our days of good motorbiking weather were not to last much longer, and I work every Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., with only a 2-hour layover.

Today Joel came over for lunch, with provisions (such as chicken and pasta and sauce) in his backpack. Of course, I provide the bread from Crumb Brothers! (We get a loaf every day we work, provided we didn't sell out of it.) Joel suggested we take a ride on his motorbike. We've only taken a few rides together, so I'm still a little inexperienced. However, he did tell me it's getting easier for him to drive around with me, because I don't wobble around quite as much. I think maybe the leg muscles that keep me on, know what to do now. Yay! (So I don't have to tumble around tomorrow with sore legs!) We went up Smithfield Canyon and he showed me his high school (we were both bobcats! Just a coincidence? Impossible!). It gets a little bit difficult to speak to one another when we're driving, because of the wind that goes past our faces, plus our ears are covered -- and I have kindof a fear of bugs flying into my mouth when I make the "ah" sound as I talk. Or shout, as I would have to when we're on a bike together.

And I don't know why I don't tuck my hair in my jacket! It whips around and gets knotty. It's not like I don't know it will happen! I'm probably just insane.

Anyway, up the canyon, the trees are all changing colors. I love the bigtooth maples! They turn a deep pink/orange/red color as if to say, "I'm going to look beautiful for one last shot before I lose my leaves and don't make shade or beauty for the entire winter!" I just love those trees. I take their message maybe a little too personally, and it makes me love those trees like they're my friends. Plus, their leaves have such a cute shape!

Everything seems more beautiful in a motorcycle. I love riding my bicycle around, going slowly, with the wind in my hair and my feet going in circle after circle. For some reason, I just really like riding my bike! I don't like to drive that much, but I love my bike! The motorcycle seems like it's just a hybrid. You get the freedom of riding on a bicycle, but with the speed of a car! (We hit over 70 mph on that thing. I think I MIGHT have hit 19 mph on my bicycle.)

I like motorcycles.


Paige of Pearls said...

Oh, Bethani. You are having so much fun! I'm glad you moved to Logan. Where else could you learn that you love motorcycles so much?

Mattie Rae said...

I love motorcycles too, as you may know. There is only one thing better than loving motorcycles and that's loving a man who rides a motorcycle.

Sounds like you are one lucky girl!

Tigerlilly said...

Well, guys, I've always been intrigued by motorcycles; it's just that I didn't know WHY guys get so excited about them. I thought it was maybe a "guy thing." It's just a "thing."

It took me a few rides to enjoy it very much. The shape of the seat on his bike is strange, so my legs got mild charley horses in them, and I didn't think that was very enjoyable.

Sharlee said...

You make me wish I had a motorcycle. This would be perfect motorcycle riding weather. I LOVE September.

Anonymous said...

Such fun writing, Bethani, in addition to fun riding! I hope things are going well all around.